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Topics - GuJiaXian

My wife and I are currently playing through Al Emmo. I have one question for the developers: why was the game made so racy? Every other line is packed with innuendo. My understanding was that Al Emmo was created to harken back to "ye old days" of adventure gaming. I have great memories of playing through Space Quest II and III with my father, but there's no way I'd play through Al Emmo with one of my children.

Perhaps I'm coming across as a prude, but that's not my intention. Please, consider the "Hospitality House." Without dropping any spoilers, the entire building isn't kid-safe. There's not a chance I'd even play through said parts of the game if there was a chance my daughter might come into the room.

I'd really like to understand why Al Emmo was made to be so racy. I've never played any of the Leisure Suit Larry games, but I'd imagine Al Emmo has more in common with them than with the King's Quest or Space Quest series. This question is really nagging at me, especially since this is a commercial venture for Himalaya Studios, and by including this stuff they've effectively limited their audience.