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Topics - Merlkir


I just finished the demo. The puzzle part was pretty straightforward, mainly because there wasn't anything else to do beside the exact correct steps leading to solving the puzzle. So even I (I suck at puzzles) managed to get through.

The battle wasn't as fun as it seemed from the video.

- you allow WASD controls normally, but not in battle? So that I can use hotkeys with my left hand? I think I could manage both. Point clicking certainly makes running around and attacking a lot harder. And I was mostly doing just that. (accidentally I would sometimes click on a goblin instead of that spot of the background I wanted to retreat to, attacking him and wasting time, which led to me getting killed.)
- fire ring seemed to do very little and drained mana like mad.
- firebolt took forever to kill and I'd miss at the least convenient times, but hey, at least it did something.
- the fire mine/bomb thing proved to be by far the most effective spell. Only thanks to this I managed to survive the zerg attack of the last round. -> basically kiting the goblin mob around the screen and throwing fire bombs at their feet.
- the fire bomb seemed to lag the game a bit. (like a frame freeze for a second or two, sprites coming off into weird directions)

overall it just felt clunky. For a dude trained in martial arts, I felt I couldn't do much beside running away. I can't dodge, roll away or through my enemies (otherwise the gameplay and controls would remind me of Bastion a bit, which would be awesome) and there's no physical attacks, so I have to keep firebolting goblins even at close range.

Hope it's not too vague. :)

PS: snow is not white. ;P