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Messages - DasWheel

General Forum /
January 01, 2007, 01:52:26 AM
Hey, all. I realize I've been rather the equivalent of The Shadow on these boards, but all the same, a Happy New Year to my favorite indie software dev. company and all affiliated. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of water to drink.

Later, boys and girls.  :doze:
General Forum /
September 23, 2006, 05:27:03 PM
<sigh> Sadly, I made the mistake (still flippin' funny though) of talking to the chief and got kicked back into "Anozira Prime" so to speak. I'd like to try it again sometime however and see just how "meta-meta" it goes before all of creation folds in on itself and my synapses burn themselves to char trying to sort it all out.

Mad, mad, mad...Though I suppose one has to be to create.    :D
General Forum /
September 23, 2006, 04:32:17 PM
Easter Eggs, indeed. Beat the game myself an hour or so ago, now I'm going back and looking for some of the stuff I may have missed. Speaking of, concerning a certain meta-easter egg in the Chief's tepee, I just thought I'd let you all know that you're all absolutely mad, in my eyes. Utterly and completely mad.  :)
General Forum / Al Emmo Goes wiki
September 15, 2006, 11:42:14 PM
Greetings, fellow Adventurers and/or Wikipedia addicts. For those who don't already know, I suppose the title says it all, doesn't it?
For those who do know...Er...Cool, huh?
General Forum /
September 15, 2006, 05:53:45 PM
Huzzah and good fortune, my copy has arrived! Indeed, I'm playing it voraciously now. Looking back though, I feel rather silly about my rants to the mailbox, but no harm, no fowl I guess.  Actually, on that note, I don't suppose anyone here can help me get this tinfoil hat off my head. I found it after I blacked out after my last post.  I don't know how it got there, but it seems to be affixed with some kind of...It looks to be cheese.  My God, what did I do that night?

The game's an ever-livin' blast, BTW; on Act II.  :)
General Forum /
September 12, 2006, 09:05:34 PM
"Quoth the DevLass, 'Wait some more.
Be those words so deeply smarting, GDB," I shrieked, upstarting -
"Get thee back into the server and AGDI's Plutonian boards!
Leave no block text as a token of that lie thy post hath spoken!
Leave my gamelessness unbroken!- quit the box upon this board!
Take thy cursor from out my heart, and take thy words from off this board!"
            Quoth the DevLass, 'Wait some more.'" ;)

                           Edgar Allan Poe
General Forum /
September 12, 2006, 01:23:24 PM
::eye twitch:: I've not yet recieved mine either. Oh, but I'm watching you, mailbox, yes I am, yes I am. You think it's funny, don't you? Giving me bills and housing notices when you  know how much I want this game...But that's okay, it really is. I'm a strong indeviduuuuooooohhhhhwhy do you insist upon mocking me, O Box-Reciever of Mail? WHY?  But, I'm...rambling. Of course I know it's on its way.....I'm just going to sit quietly in the corner now. ::twitch::
General Forum /
September 01, 2006, 06:31:23 PM
No problem, GDB, I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Play on!
General Forum /
August 29, 2006, 10:52:59 PM
And so we come to the home stretch...This is awesome guys, I know you don't know me from Adam, but as someone who's followed (and continues to follow) you from the Tierra/AGDI days, I can only say: "well done." I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I hope the best is yet to be.
Sorry for what seems to be tantamount to ego guilding, I get anymore toady-sounding, I'll be able to get a job as an ottoman.

(Got my copy pre-ordered regardless.)
General Forum /
July 31, 2006, 07:46:25 PM
Mm...On the subject of the art and model work if I may, (which really fits the game wonderfully, BTW) Did it take a while to settle on the style of the chars. and backgrounds, or was the art decided on from the get-go? And, following that, was it difficult to put the designs into action as models within the game in terms of which ways they would move, etc? Forgive the little mini-inquisition in your craft, I guess I'm just curious about that aspect of the work, is all. Odd, considering my field of interest lies at the opposite end of the spectrum.
General Forum /
July 01, 2006, 05:13:37 PM
Well, it's great seeing all of these varied responses and discussion points; not to mention seeing a bunch of suggestions of what to play to get my little adventure fix. Speaking of, would anyone think less of me if I said that I'd yet to play "The Longest Journey?" I know, I've known about it for years, but never sought it out; don't ask me why. I think I kept confusing it with "The Last Express" for some reason, (because, y'know...They both start with "The" :doze:) but I've got a friend more than willing to lend me a copy.  Anyway, I don't know if anyone here has a Nintendo DS, but if so, you ever hear of a game called "Trace Memory?" ("Another Code: Two Memories" across the pond) I've been playing it, and having a great time, though I'll admit that a good chunk of it is a pixel hunt at points,(what do you expect with a stylus interface?) it really uses the DS' capabilities to make puzzle solving unique. Well, that's all I got. You?
General Forum / Adventure Games: Then & Now.
June 06, 2006, 11:47:51 PM
As the new meat, I figure I should at least PRETEND like I'm part of the group. As such, my first attempt at initiating a discussion:

As with many of you, I've been an adventure fan from days long past, particularly of the Big Dogs in the Sierra/LucasArts kennel as a lad. In fact, if memory serves, my first exposure was: "Police Quest: In Persuit of the Death Angel" (original) on my cousin's old IBM Frankenputer. Also, like many of you, I can definitely concur that it's been a bad decade for us Adventure-seekers in terms of selection, with very few choices, and even fewer GOOD ones within those.
That said, anyone care to opine or discuss some of the newer adventure blood that's been released in the past, oh, six years or so? Now, I'm not talking about the great homages we've come to love from places like Himalaya, AGDI, or Phoenix, I'm talking about the stuff that bears little resemblence to the classics, yet still falls into the category of AG.
Ex. Anyone ever play a Konami game c. 2001 called "Shadow of Destiny?" ("Shadow of Memories" in Europe and Japan) The interface surely wasn't what I was used to when it came to Adventure Gaming, and puzzle-solving of the classic variety was practically nonexistant, I still had a barrel of fun with it, my old Adventuring gland getting a workout after years of disuse; story wasn't bad either.

Before I ramble on any longer, I invite everyone to discuss at will.
General Forum /
June 06, 2006, 11:13:18 PM
Thanks for the kind welcome! While I'm not sure as to how much of a regular I'll be, the times I am on, I'll certainly endeavor to contribute wherever I can...Constructively, of course.
Speaking of, I just thought I'd mention that these, along with AGDI's forums are the two most mellow I've ever come across in my 'Nethood. So for that, a great many props.
General Forum / Hello.
June 06, 2006, 01:36:26 AM
Hey all; first time poster, longtime lurker. Just thought I'd come out of hiding to join the dance, as it were. As is par, allow me to stroke some egos by expressing my fanboyhood of your work, may your passion(s) for it never fade, and I'm sure that the best is yet to be.  And now that the formalities have been taken care of...Um, everyone just kind of go about your business... I'll be standing over here.